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February Full Moon: The Snow Moon

Updated: Feb 16, 2022

The snow moon in February stems from Native American tribes observing- you guessed it, snow. This was a time when we would sit shoulder to shoulder, huddled around the fire for warmth. This moon symbolizes that we are "really in winter now." Coming from someone who lives in the soul of the south, I can humbly say it does NOT feel like winter here.

In this post I will give you some insight on how you can work through February's Snow Moon energies to best suit you- regardless of the amount of snow on the ground, or lack there of.

While the Snow Moon would have been a time of starvation during the North American PreHistory, we can now view it as a time of new beginnings- as February marks the lunar new year.

Full Moon in Leo

On the New Moon in Aquarius on February 1, 2022, our manifestations have been planned. The excess was brought to the light-- the people we don't need, the parts of ourselves that we are hiding from society, any sort of baggage we were ready to release. In this Leo full moon energy, we are fully stepping into this energy-- our power. We are celebrating what makes us unique, what makes us an individual. We are further releasing any energy that does not align with the person we TRULY are, not the person society told us to be.

Collective Energy Read for the Snow Moon/ Leo Moon

Knight of Swords, The High Priestess, Ten of Wands in Reverse, The Chariot

This is quite the balance of masculine and feminine energy. Spirit really affirms that this full moon energy will bring out ambition, fierce intuition, and movement. We are dropping off the weight that revealed itself through Mercury Retrograde and the New Moon in Aquarius. If you have not already started to see the results of your Aquarian manifestations, trust that they will appear in the next 8 weeks. There are a lot of celebrations to be had as we dig into the releasing the past, and focusing on becoming our own hero.

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