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How to Enchant your Tea or Coffee: A Self-Love Practice

Updated: Jan 31, 2022

I'm always looking for more ways to incorporate a little more magik into everyday. I typically start my day with a warm cup of coffee or tea. Infusing intention that impacts the rest of the day is essential to a healthy mind, body, and spirit.

In this post, I'll share a few ways to enhance the delight of your morning cup (or afternoon, even).

Tip #1 - Choosing a Cup that fits your mood.

The first tip for tea (or coffee) enchantment is choosing the perfect cup. How are you feeling about the day ahead? Take a gander outside the window. The sun may be shining, the birds are singing, the weather looks seemingly delightful. I choose a mug with a bouquet of flowers that reads "Hello, lovely." A simple reminder of a promising day ahead.

Whether it's mug from your travels, a cup from your favorite TV show, or a cup that makes you giggle, this will set the tone of your enchantment.

Take a few moments to choose a cup that fits your mood.

Tip #2 - Bless your materials.

From coffee grinds to store bought tea bags, these materials are helping you start or continue your day. Acknowledge the individuality of each plant or herb for their healing abilities.

I personally love hand crafting herbal tea blends. I take each herb and spend time to understand the incredible magik they bring to the process.

I start by saying: "Thank you Mother Earth for your divine gifts."

I then acknowledge and bless the great power of each herb (Rose for love, peppermint for healing, chamomile for serenity).

NOTE: Please throughly research any herbs that you will be consuming. Some herbs may be dangerous in large or small quantities. Consult with a medical professional before consuming any herbal tea.

"Tea is the elevation of your soul's creation."

Tip #3 - Words are Magik!

I find that saying words aloud or quietly in your mind has the power to change your day. What is it that suits you in this moment? It may be a word (courage, creativity, self-love). It may be a sentence that brings you power.

You can access this power by saying:

"May this tea bring peace to my mind, nourishment to my body, and strengthen my soul."

Whatever it may be, make sure it feels right and intentional with you.

Tip #4 - Stir with intention.

Think of your mindful intention. Stir this into your warm cup with these words in mind.

Stir your tea or coffee clockwise for positivity and enhancement.

Stir your tea or coffee counterclockwise to send away negativity.

Tip #5 - Sip and Simply Be.

Bring your delightful warm cup to your nose. Deeply inhale the vitality of what you have created. Exhale any fears or worries that prevent you from living in this moment, now.

May your tea fill you with peace and love, each and every day.

Live simply, and free. So mote it be.

Your Tea Witch,


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