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How to Show Love to your New Tarot Deck

Updated: Jan 23, 2022

You may have been thinking about tarot for a while. You may have even heard the misconception that someone has to gift your first tarot deck. Absolutely, not true. Getting a new deck is exciting, and maybe overwhelming if you're just starting out.

In this post, I'm going to share some of the ways to show your new deck some love.

Finding a tarot deck that calls to you is my favorite part of this process. For your first deck, I suggest one that stays true to the original Raider-Waite Smith artwork. I personally have found success with the following decks:

  • Ethereal Visions

  • Art Nouveau

  • Modern Witch

  • The Aquarian

  • Everyday Witch

These are only suggestions and you should find one that you personally can connect with. However, I would hate for anyone to get discouraged and turn away from tarot just because they chose a deck that was too difficult to understand.

Tip #1 - Look at your brand new best friend!

This is the BEST part of bonding with a tarot deck. Each deck is like a brand new book, with new secrets and layers to discover. My first tip for bonding with your new deck is to look through each card and hang out with it! There are 78 pictures that the artist created for you to interpret. Without knowing anything about the card, what does it look like is going on? What story is being told here? Not only does this help you access your intuition, but it gets your deck acquainted with your energy- and this is KEY.

PRO TIP: The more time that you can spend with your deck, the better! Sleep with her under your pillow, carry her in your purse. Your deck needs to get to know you. Quality time is the best way to do that.

Tip #2 - Clean her up and Give her a Good Shuffle

You want to move any stagnant energy. It's likely that your deck has been sitting on the shelf for quite some time, it is time to wake her up- dust her off. There are many different ways to cleanse a deck. The easiest is using smoke (incense, smudge stick), but smoke isn't your thing, a good shuffle will do the trick! Don't worry too much about your "shuffle technique" anything that feels right to you will do.

"Tarot decks are magic because YOU are magic. They are nothing more than an extension of yourself."

Tip #3 - Get to know your deck- Interview Style!

Before trying to do any other readings or spreads, I highly suggest giving your deck and interview. How rude would it be to ask someone for a favor without even knowing their name? Your tarot deck is no different.

Pull 5 cards using any method that feels right to you, this is part of trusting yourself, and lay them out in this format. At this point in your tarot journey, it is perfectly acceptable and in fact encouraged to use the guide book to help you sort out these card meanings. Don't be surprised if the deck completely reads you to filth- this deck certainly did..MAJOR Queen of Swords vibes.

Tip #4 - Commit to Pulling One Card Each Day

This part is completely optional, but highly recommended. If you want to truly form a bond with your tarot deck, you need to put in the work. At the beginning of each day, pull one card. What does this card say to you? Even if you don't understand the card in the moment, give it time. Leave the card somewhere you will see it, and come back to it at the end of the day. When the day is done, find the card in your guidebook. Was your intuition right? Did you know the meaning of the card before you really "knew"? How did this card's energy show up throughout the day? Notice how your relationship with this card has changed.

Tarot is fun, fulfilling, and enlightening. Don't make it another thing to weaponize myself with.

You aren't going to be a tarot expert right away and that's ok! You don't need to be! If you don't pull cards for a week, or even a month, that is ok! The cards have a funny way of telling you when you need them. It's ok to give yourself a break.

I'm excited for you to start your tarot journey. Showing love to your deck is just another way to show love to yourself.

All my love,
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