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Body Positivity: Candle Ritual by Lavender Moon

Showing love to your body is a deeply personal and healing practice. As a woman-owned business, we celebrate the power of the female body and embrace the caring, loving attention our bodies need to be shown.

Lavender Moon has designed a body positivity healing ritual to promote a healthy relationship of all parts of yourself within your physical body-- regardless of age, race, gender, or disability.

In the digital age, it is easy to fall into the trap of compassion. Between Instagram models and celebrities, the idea of beauty is often contorted with reality. The reality is that all bodies are different and beautiful and should be celebrated and honored as frequently as possible. More often times than not, representation of all bodies are not celebrated. Promoting body positivity within our own lives will ultimately shine this empowering energy to others.

Without further ado, let's get into the ritual.


- A body candle

Human body candles remind us the intention of celebrating your unique and beautiful body. If you do not have access to this particular candle, that is completely okay! Any candle can represent your body positivity intention.

- Oil

Any oil you have will be perfect. (i.e. essential oils, olive, sunflower, avocado, etc.) Whatever is in your kitchen cabinet!


Herbs from your garden or ethically foraged are ideal. I would suggest rose, lavender, and/or calendula. These particular herbs promote love, serenity, and happiness.

- Parchment paper or paper towel
- Matches or a lighter
- Fireproof plate or cauldron

Other materials: incense, crystals, tea lights / other candles

It is recommended, but not necessary to be alone in a room. Choose a space in your home that you feel most comfortable. This time is for you. A time to tune in and connect to your inner strength, beauty, and acceptance-- building confidence in your own right.

Setting the scene

Now that you have gathered your materials, it's time to really set the scene. Pick out your favorite incense. Dim the lights, or set a moody tone with lamps. This may include lighting tea lights or your favorite candles. Include crystals- ones that promote love: rose quartz, green adventurine, pink tourmaline. Any other items that make you feel beautiful are most certainly welcome.

It is essential to create a serene ambiance as you embark on this celebratory, empowering ritual.

Look in the Mirror

I'm serious. Look in the mirror. Don't just glance, take a real good look at your body. Spend a solid minute looking at your vestal. Notice your arms, your stomach, your legs, feet, ears. The purpose here is to really connect with yourself- to be a mere observer of every inch of yourself. Can you find something new? Notice and connect with a part of your body that perhaps you haven't given attention to before.

Meditate and Set your Intention


Start by sitting or lying in a comfortable position.

Gently close your eyes and take three deep breaths.

Imagine a bright white light surrounding your entire body, from the top of your head to the bottoms of your feet. This white light energy is here to protect and nurture you. Negativity cannot enter this space. Only love and healing is surrounding you.

Consider this light as warm home that you can always return to feel safe and loved.

Stay in this meditative state as long as you need to.

Set your Intention:

Before dressing and lighting your candle, you want to set a specific intention for this ritual. In this meditation ask yourself "what do I need?" How can you hype yourself up? Is there any part of your body that needs more love? Trust the answer that comes up for you first. Your higher self knows what you need.

It may help to write your intentions down or to say them aloud.

Example Intentions:

"I love and accept my beautiful body, exactly the way it is."

"I show my body unconditional love and support."

Dress your Candle

Dressing your ritual candle increases the connectivity of your intention to the ritual.

Using the oil, take 2-3 drops to cover your candle. Be sure to evenly spread the oil around the candle. Be careful not to use too much oil, as this can be a fire hazard.

Lay down your parchment paper or paper towel. Hold your selected herbs in your hand, whisper to them your intention. Sprinkle the now enchanted herbs on the parchment paper.

Roll your candle onto the parchment paper. You may also sprinkle any excess herbs onto the candle itself.

Place candle in a candle holder onto a fireproof plate or cauldron. Be sure that your candle is secure and will not topple over.

Burn up for Yourself!

Your space is set. Your intention is set and clear. Your candle is dressed with herbs.

Now it's time to light it up! Take a deep breath and hold your heart. Remember that you are powerful and beautiful. You are designed perfectly exactly as you are. You do not need any external validation to know your own worth.

Candle Safety

All the whilst you're diving deep into a deep emotional connection and acceptance of your body, it is very important to practice fire safety.

Do not leave your candle burning for longer than four hours.

Never leave a candle burning unattended.

Most Importantly- Make it your Own!

While this is a step by step ritual, it is essential to make this body positivity ritual your own.

Repeat this ritual as many time as you feel called to do so.

The human body is our sanctuary that needs our love and attention. Honoring the divine nature that we hold within should be recognized and celebrated.

You have meaning and purpose.

You possess gifts that world needs to see.

You are enough.

All my love,


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