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An Inner Child Self-Lead Workshop

This is who I show up for. This little girl. She didn't have a bad childhood- I think that's important to say. This work doesn't discriminate. You don't have to be angry with your parents or mad at how you grew up to show up for the little one inside of you. At the end of the day- trauma has nothing to do with the actual event and everything to do with how it made you feel. If you're being honest with yourself and to the little version of you that lives inside of you, things didn't always feel good. Doing this practice might be uncomfortable, but remember, you are doing this for your childhood self and come on, how can you say no to them?

This workshop will take you around 25-30 minutes. I recommend you complete it all in one sitting, as it works best if you stay in the flow. Remember that you are BRAVE. I'm already proud of you for just clicking on the link.

Workshop Step 1:

In my full fuzzy hoodie vulnerability, I lead you through a guided meditation to connect you to a tender part of your inner child. There are plenty of these online if this is a practice that resonates with you- but this one is short and manageable for beginners! I ask you to release your "adult mind's judgement" on what your inner child might show you and instead to pay attention to how your body feels when you see a part of them that makes them sad.

Workshop Step 2:

After sitting meditation, you might have memories, thoughts, little BIG feelings coming up for you now. You might feel sadness, but more importantly, compassion for the little one inside of you.

I invite you to grab your journal, click the link to play a song that will help you dig deeper, and dive immediately into the following prompt:


Dear little one inside of me, I see your pain and this is what I promise you....


Remember, it doesn't matter what comes up- just commit to writing for one full song.

Workshop Step 3:

If you own a tarot deck (even my beginners), it's time to show her some love! Let tarot be a tool for you in this work. You can use this spread for the cards literal meaning (using the guidebook that comes along) or just let the imagery and your imagination take charge.

If you don't own a tarot deck- no problem! I invite you to head outside- try answering these questions when looking at the sky, nearby water, or anything with a pattern. We are working on your inner child- let their imagination wonder. I bet you'll be amazed at what comes to mind. The world is divination, you simply have to sit in the question.


After you complete these steps, be gentle with yourself. If this is your first time exploring this work, it can be uncomfortable to resist these parts of yourself. I believe in you- more importantly the little one in side of you believes in you! Pat yourself on the back for showing up.


If this kind of work excites you and you want to dive in deeper- I am more than happy to lead you through these practices. Sometimes things can feel too big to do on our own and we need someone to hold our hand (that's ok btw. There is no shame in that.) If you feel called to use the cards as a tool and do a guided meditation with someone one on one- I invite you to book a tarot reading with me! You can do this through the "Book Online" tab of our website. Just put that you want to focus on inner child work in the description. I am more than happy to connect with you in this way.

All my love,


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